April 12, 2012

Wedding Music

As my mom is marrying the man of her dreams in 9 short days (eeeeep!), we do have a list of but are running out of ideas on songs to play during the ceremony and reception, so all you married/engaged ladies, here is where I need YOU! :-)

We have a huge stereo set up going on in the backyard where the wedding is going to be. My brother Nick, who is a musician, is going to be playing his own song he's written for the isle-walk for my mom. Can you say tear jerker? I'm going to be a mess!

My sister and I decided it would be so much fun to also have a Kareoke Set-Up to let our drunken family members and of course the kids have a hysterical time singing to the rest of the wedding party!

Maddie has already decided we must embarrass ourselves and sing Nikki Minaj's SuperBass.. and that I have to learn the words the best I can by the big day. Haha, yikes! Hopefully I can also learn to breathe and sing/rap that fast..... Should be interesting! Maybe we'll get it on video for your laughing pleasure..... ;-)

I would love some ideas of some fun songs to either sing, play, dance songs, etc.
What has worked best for your Wedding?

April 11, 2012

New Yorrrrrrk

As some of you follow me on facebook, I recently went on a trip with my little sister, Maddie (13), and my mom. My sister is in a Drama Club as an extra curricular activity, and so we chaperoned a "Broadway Tour" that lasted 4 days in the BIG APPLE!

I've always wanted to go to New York since I was little, and I have to say a tour is the absolute BEST way to go if you have never been. We had this totally animated die hard yankee fan new yorker as our tour guide named Ted, and he was just hysterical and really made our LONG days of walking and jumping from one experience to the next hourly just SO much fun!

Here are some pictures from my trip! 

Starting with... The 430-630am Plane Rides

Walking between 5th and 7th Ave, Times Square

Going to see The Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Immigration Museum

The Empire State Building

The Botanical Gardens in Harlem

Central Park

The Apollo Theater

Saint Patrick's Cathedral

The Children's Statue
Represents Good overcoming Evil (that claw is holding the devil's head), only floral in the garden is from the Bible itself .. creepy and beautiful all in the same :) 

Can anyone guess what show made THIS little Restaurant Famous!?! One of my favorites!

Amazing Brisket Sandwich

Baked Treats by Melissa
The best mini $1 muffins I've ever had. We ordered Red Velvet, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Peanut Butter Cup

The Wax Museum
We had decided to shop THEN do the Wax Museum so ran out of time and only got a few pictures

Ground Zero
It was so great getting to experience the 9/11 memorial, we said prayers and the new buildings being built are just beautiful

Little Italy
From the funny Italian chef to the amazing pizza and Italian beer I had, I could seriously live in little Italy and be happy

Wall Street & Other NYC Pics

Sorry for the super long post, tried to pick few out of the 330 pics I took on the trip... Hope you enjoyed and have a happy hump day! Off to work!

April 10, 2012

Big Changes

Good morning, friends! As I enter back into the blogworld after it's been under construction for a while, I'm more than excited and can't wait to share with you some big ole changes going on right now! :)

For starters, check out this new design!!? If y'all know me, I'm very artistically challenged and when it came to designing my owm blog, this background changed like every week. I always read Alana's blog over at Mrs. Alana's Miscellany, and when I saw how amazing her design turned out, I had to reach out to Katie Price from Priceless Design Studio, who did wonders for me! If you even just need a few touch ups done to your blog, Katie is amazing and will do an excellent job whether you want a fun energetic look or a bold & professional design! Thanks Katie, I love my new design!

In other news, after 2.5 yrs of sweet bliss of this little hooptie, I SOLD MY CAR last night for full price! (2,000 baby!)

I will definitely miss this interesting, quirky, little 1998 car I've had for the past few years. Thank you for the $40 full tanks of gas and the weird squealing noises that made me try to hide from my neighbors while pulling out in the parking lot... lol!

BUT, you know what that means, right?! NEW CAR! I'll be using the money from my hooptie and also my tax return money to purchase a new vehicle! I kind of want a cute little SUV, any ideas of one's y'all like?? I've heard a lot of great things about Kia Sorentos lately... I also like the Mazda CX 7, Nissan Muranos, and although way above my budget, I have to say I like the Lexus RX series too!

My mom is getting married in 11 days! Check out some of the crafting (my sister is trying to teach me how! haha) we are doing below! I cannot wait to stand next to my best friend and mother and watch her marry the man of her dreams. My sister Maddie picked out our Bridesmaids dresses and they are so perfectly perfect for outdoorsy weddings in April, I can't wait for you guys to see!

*Note: These below pictures are Pinterest influenced and sourced - You'll get the real deal when I show y'all pictures from the Wedding.

I also wanted to say thank you to all of my followers who have stuck with me through this insane journey as work has limited me to not so much blogging but replacing it with stress and anxiety, which brings me to say I have other news about that coming soooon so stay tuned! Happy Tuesday, everyone!